Signaler: FTX Promised High Earnings to African Students That Successfully Recruited Fellow Learners

The collapsed crypto exchange FTX reportedly used the lure of high earnings to convince African university students to become its ambassadors. In addition to encouraging new FTX investors to use the platform, student ambassadors were also required to teach them about

US Senator Focused on Crypto Money Laundering Crackdown — Urges Congress, Regulators to Take Action

NOUS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has called on Congress to ensure regulators, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SECONDE), have the tools to regulate the crypto industry effectively and crack down on crypto money laundering activities. “The current legal structure essentially

Japan Urges Regulators Worldwide to Subject Crypto Exchanges to Bank-Level Oversight

Japan has reportedly urged other countries, including the U.S., to regulate crypto exchanges like they do banks. A top official at the Financial Services Agency explained that the recent FTX implosion wasn’t brought on by crypto technology but byloose governance,…

La proposition de création d'un échange cryptographique russe a circulé à Moscou

La Russie pourrait établir un échange dédié pour effectuer des transactions de crypto-monnaie localement, un membre de haut rang de la Douma d'Etat a suggéré. La nouvelle plate-forme peut être hébergée par la Bourse de Moscou, selon Anatoly Aksakov, head of the parliamentary financial market

Banque centrale de Singapour: Nous voulons être un hub crypto mondial responsable

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAIS), le pays’s central bank and the regulator of the crypto sector, says that its licensing process for digital asset service providers needs to be stringent. “It needs to be because we want to be a

La principale bourse d'Europe de l'Est Exmo vend ses activités en Russie, Biélorussie

Exmo, a U.K.-based crypto exchange with extensive presence in Eastern Europe, is pulling out of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The trading platform,, says its making the move to avoid jeopardizing its expansion in other regions by operating in high-risk markets

Les entreprises de crypto demandent 27 Les ministres des finances de l'UE vont assouplir les exigences de divulgation

Quarante-six entreprises et organisations européennes de cryptographie ont demandé aux ministres des finances de 27 Les pays européens vont assouplir certaines exigences réglementaires pour l'industrie de la cryptographie. Par exemple, ils ont demandé un financement décentralisé (défi) projects to be excluded from the requirements to register as

100 Les entreprises n'obtiennent pas de licences de cryptographie à Singapour en raison d'une réglementation stricte

Plus que 100 companies that applied for a license to offer crypto services in Singapore have either been turned down or withdrawn their applications. “Cryptocurrencies could be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, or proliferation financing due to the speed and

L'Estonie envisage de révoquer les licences de cryptographie alors que le gouvernement élabore des réglementations plus strictes

Les autorités estoniennes travaillent sur une nouvelle législation qui devrait durcir les règles du pays’secteur de la crypto-monnaie. La nation balte’Le régulateur de l'industrie envisage de révoquer les licences de cryptographie précédemment émises et de redémarrer l'autorisation à partir de zéro. Licensed Crypto

Le Parlement russe envisage des restrictions pour les investisseurs crypto non qualifiés

Cryptocurrency can be quite complicated for some and lawmakers in Russia think they need to contemplate restrictions for private investors. According to a high-ranking representative of the legislature, the Russian parliament needs to provide them withmaximum protectionagainst the risks….